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Diabetes and its cure

 Diabetes and its cure

Diabetes mellitus is a habitual complaint caused by high blood sugar. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2.

1. Type 1 diabetes In this case, the body's safety function goes wrong and destroys the insulin- concealing cells of the pancreas. People with type 1 diabetes need to fit insulin or use insulin flushes to control their blood sugar.
 There's presently no cure for type 1 diabetes and treatment includes ferocious insulin remedy, blood glucose monitoring and life operation.
2. Type 2 diabetes This type of diabetes is more common and generally occurs temporarily. This happens when the body becomes asleep to insulin or doesn't produce enough insulin to keep sugar in the blood. Type 2 diabetes can generally be managed with a regular diet, regular exercise, weight control, and occasionally life changes similar as oral specifics or insulin.
Although type 2 diabetes is a habitual condition, it's possible to treat and keep your blood sugar under control.
While there's presently no given cure for diabetes, it's worth noting that ongoing exploration is looking at results or treatment strategies. Scientists are probing a variety of styles, including island cell transplantation, microbiological testing, immunotherapy, and mass remedy. still, these medicines are still in the exploration phase and need farther analysis and optimization before they can be extensively used in diabetes drug.
still, it's important to work nearly with a croaker
to develop an personalized treatment plan that includes drug, life changes, If you or someone you know has diabetes.

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